Jessica Day George

Friday, January 26, 2007

Octavian Nothing

Alert reader Nikki logged on to the blog to say that her favorite books of the year were M.T. Anderson's "Octavian Nothing" and "The Book Thief" by Marcus Zuzak. I agree about Octavian Nothing, although I just barely read it, so it couldn't count for 2006. It was a wonderful book, and I'm glad that it was recognized by the Printz Awards, and won the National Book Award. I am a big fan of the Printz Awards, that recognize great YA books like Octavian, "How I Live Now" and "Skellig". I haven't read "The Book Thief" yet, but I plan on it. I saw it some time ago at the store, and thought it looked interesting. Thanks for the recommend, Nikki! PS-Octavian Nothing is sometimes hard to locate on searches, because the actual title is: The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party. I believe that our library has it listed under The Pox Party, but everyone just calls it Octavian Nothing.

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